Why Us

Customer Centric - Quality And Satisfaction

“Customer service shouldn’t just be a department; it should be the entire company.” We at Kanova Pharma  place the customer at the centre of everything we do. We follow the proper methodology for each scenario, thereby meeting all the standards, quality methodologies, and other scientifically derived technologies. We understand our customer’s business and make sure we not only meet their expectations but also go the extra mile to delight them.


Stringent quality and safety considerations are incorporated throughout the product lifecycle in close coordination with national and international health authorities.

Kanova Pharma  is committed to:
Resolutely meeting the customer's requirements.
Comply with requirements and continually improve the effectiveness of the quality management system.
Establish and review quality objectives and continued suitability for sustained growth.
Assuring appropriate training of our employees for quality performance.

R&D Prowess

Science is at the heart of Kanova Pharma. Our R&D team works closely with global innovators and business development teams to generate prolific concepts and ideas to harness market needs and synergies across therapeutic areas.

Our core strength lies in our ability to excel in developing complex Chiral molecules through Catalysis & Enzymatic reactions driven by technology and backed by our dedicated teams in process chemistry and analytical development.

Differentiation And A Low-Cost Strategy

While others focus on the “either-or” strategy, we focus on the “and-and” strategy – Differentiation and Low-Cost. Our capabilities extend beyond the development of differentiated products as we also focus on cost-effective solutions, ultimately resulting in low-priced yet high-quality products.

Creating a strong business and building a better world are not conflicting goals – they are both essential ingredients for long-term success.” With this philosophy, Kanova Pharma  makes continuous efforts to embark on Green Initiatives. All manufacturing and research facilities of Kanova Pharma  are zero discharge sites. All treated wastewater and manure made out of the site’s biodegradable waste are used in the green areas within the site.