
At Kanova Pharma, we strongly believe in providing quality products at an affordable price to our clients. In this quest, primarily, we have inclined ourselves towards safeguarding both the qualitative and quantitative aspects with the help of our robust manufacturing technologies and manufacturing facilities. Each facility goes through a comprehensive integration program to align with the company’s high standards and best practices, which helps contribute to our ongoing excellence in research and development, production, and customer service.

API Unit

Strategically located across the suburbs of Hyderabad, this facility was first established in 2022.


This state-of-the-art manufacturing unit is equipped with 60 KL capacity, meeting all the International Regulatory Requirements.

Highlights :

Heating capability – 130°C to +150°C with high pressure steam
Chilling capability – +10°C brine
Clean rooms (ISO 8) – 1
Oncology Clean Room (Gmp) ---- 1

Future Plans :

Expansion of the reaction volume to more than 200KL is being planned in the near future to cater to the global demand.
Construction of a new, dedicated, world-class research facility at Hyderabad.